UNICEF UK’s Work Continues in Mayanmar

UNICEF UK’s relief efforts are still on track six months after Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar’s Ayeyarwady Delta, but support from home is still required to bring long-term solutions to children and their families.

The immediate relief effort has seen 390,000 children in 2,500 schools benefiting from UNICEF support, which includes essential learning kits for children and teachers, plus psychosocial training for teachers to help children cope with the aftermath of the cyclone.

UNICEF UK plan to construct seven cyclone and earthquake resistant schools which can also be used as shelter for communities in case of emergencies. They are also looking into the reconstruction of the health infrastructure and permanent interventions for water and sanitation facilities.

Resident Representative of UNICEF Myanmar, Ramesh Shrestha, said –

‘As much damage and suffering as the cyclone has caused, it is also a chance to build back better. Now is the time to bring permanent solutions to improve the lives of children and their families and the future generations. Thanks to the full cooperation between the Government, UNICEF and the NGOs, the relief effort for the first six months has been successful. However, we cannot stop now, as there are still pressing issues to address for medium to long term needs.’