Book Sales to Boost Funds for 15 Different Charities

The book release by Andrew Armes – Courage, Hope and Love, will be donating 20p to 15 different health charities for every book sold. The book itself is a collection of 15 different stories boken down into chapters that address an individuals journey in becoming the person they are.

The charities that will receive a donation are –

The stories feature reflections of the lives people have led and facing up to future challenges. Below is the books foreword by Darius Nornell explaining his feeling on the books content –

The door to my heart is always open, no matter who you are, or what you have done.

It is a rare privilege to be able to witness people’s stories told from the heart. Our minds are so often easily satisfied by Hollywood movies where everything is neatly resolved; for the most part with a happy ending.

These stories are different. They delve deeply into the complexities and uncertainties of life that we are all surrounded by, if we just cared to look. It challenges our easy preconceptions of what is good and bad; success can turn into suffering and tragedies sometimes become catalysts for joy. Hope arises during the darkest most painful moments.

These stories demonstrate the fragility of our existence. How quickly the life we have built, and consider that we are in control of, can come tumbling down.

The courage the authors have shown in sharing unvarnished accounts of their lives was more than I could muster. Instead I am left to introduce them and be inspired by the opportunity they offer to reflect more deeply and fearlessly on our lives.

If the accounts in this book are about anything they are about love. Each person who has contributed to the book has opened and shared themselves. In doing so there is a tacit acceptance of themselves and what they experienced and an invitation for us to do the same. To be able to love ourselves completely; the dark, the ugly and especially the parts of us we pretend don’t exist. To accept ourselves as we really are, free from judgement or praise. To make peace in our hearts so that we can truly say to ourselves, even for the briefest moment: The door to my heart is always open, no matter who I am, or what I have done.

This book is a great idea and a fantastic way to raise funds for a wide spectrum of charities. These donations will soon add up if enough copies of Courage, Hope and Love are purchased by the general public, and we at Donation4Charity think this an innovative way to help raise funds for some worthwhile charities.