Cancer Research UK launch ‘Shopper-cise’

Cancer Research UK has launched a new exercise programme that enables shoppers to get fit at the same time as going about there shopping. ‘Shop for Life’ combines hitting the shops with some gentle training ahead of the charity’s Race for Life series this summer.

Experts suggest a shopper will often cover several kilometres during a typical walk round a town centre perusing the mechandise, so ‘Shop for Life’ has decided to offer a simple yet effective way to incorporate light exercise into a days shopping. Cancer Reasearch UK has developed a series of route maps which have been developed for nine of the UK’s leading shopping centres so women can complete a 2k distance without ever putting down their shopping bags!

The ‘Shop for Life’ maps provide shoppers with an easy training routine to give your whole body a workout whilst meandering through a typical shopping. The workout offers the opportunity to tone the lower legs and thighs by climbing the stairs, but by carrying those heavy shopping bags it’s also a great way to tone the upper arms.

Fitness trainer to the stars Lucy Wyndham-Read is fully behind the ‘Shop for Life’ and said –

The ‘shoppercise’ routes are an easy way to give your whole body a workout whilst doing something you love! ‘Shop for Life’ is a fantastic idea that can not only improve your fitness and burn calories, but will also help to breakdown the misconception of how far a few kilometres really is.

‘Shop for Life’ is part of the ‘If I can do it…’ campaign which aims to inspire women everywhere to take part in Race for Life whatever their age or fitness level. Now in its 16th season, Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is the UK’s largest women-only fundraising event. With 230 Race for Life events in the UK between May and July, women are invited to walk, jog or run the 5K alongside the other 680,000 women who will be coming together to try and help raise over £60 million to fund the charity’s life saving work into all forms of cancer.

Head of Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, Natasha Dickinson said –

We know that without even realising it, many women probably cover several kilometres on an average weekend shopping trip.   ‘Shop for Life’ is a great way to help women prepare for Race for Life with a gentle ‘shoppercise’ training routine. We hope that women everywhere will download the map and combine their shopping trips with their Race for Life training. Our campaign is designed to give women across the UK all the advice and encouragement they need to see 5k as an achievable distance.  Hopefully this will encourage them to enter their local event to help to raise as much money as possible to beat cancer.

> > Click here for more information on the ‘Race for Life’

> > Click here to make a donation to Cancer Research UK