Charity Christmas Cards – Make a Difference this Christmas with Charity Gifts

We received an email today from a business organisation who were looking to make a contibution to charity instead of sending Christmas cards. I’m happy to say you can do both at the same time! UNICEF Christmas Cards are a great way of sending seasons greetings to clients, co-workers or even friends whilst still making a donation to a good cause. In fact Xmas can be a difficult time as we spends hundreds of pounds on gifts that may never be actually used (socks and christmas jumpers anyone?) but you can buy a gift and make a difference by purchasing through a charity programme.

We have launched a new site which brings together the main providers of Charity Gifts to help you find a cause that you want to support that offer a gift programme. This is a great way to make a donation to charity – and also show loved ones that you care for them as they will be notified that you have purchased a charity gift in their name. The gifts range from buying a toilet (which is put to use in the country where the charity is working!) to adopt an animal programmes where the recipient receives a gift pack – in the case of the WWF including a cuddly toy, my Nan loved it!!!