Dell’s Plant a Tree for Me initiative extended to Europe

Michael Dell originally announced, at the CES in January 2007, that he was introducing a global carbon-neutral initiative in the USA that would involve planting trees for customers to offset the carbon impact of electricity required to power their systems – thereby underscoring Dell’s commitment to continued broad environmental stewardship.

And in June 2007 Dell announced that he’s extending the tree-planting programme into Europe and reiterating Dell’s commitment to limiting environmental damage. As part of the ‘Plant a Tree for Me’ initiative, those buying Dell computers can help offset environmental damage by paying an additional £1 or £3 respectively, that will be channelled towards sapling plantation.
Dell is the first global technology company to offer customers the opportunity to offset the emissions associated with the electricity used to power their computers through its ‘Plant a Tree for Me’ program. Dell is partnering with The Conservation Fund and the, non-profit organizations that will use the funds to plant trees in sustainably managed forests, absorbing carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere from generated electricity. The company said that 100 percent of the donations received by the ‘Plant a Tree for Me’ programme will be used by partners to facilitate planting trees.
The programme, in conjunction with the Conservation Fund and, is part of a wider effort by Dell to try and take its responsibility for the planet as an IT manufacturer more seriously. As part of this commitment, Dell plans to reduce the carbon intensity of its global operations by 15 per cent by 2012. 

Dell has also launched a new Web site,, that highlights the breadth of Dell’s environmental responsibility programs. The site contains information on Dell’s approach to environmental leadership, links to in-depth information on environmental programs and policies found throughout The site also contains an “energy counter” that tracks the accumulated energy and carbon savings impact enabled by Energy Smart features on Dell products.
“We often characterise a certain age group as typifying a generation, like the ‘Me Generation’, ‘Gen X’ or ‘Gen Y’, but it’s clear today that we’re living in the ‘Re-Generation’, which includes people of all ages throughout the world who want to make a difference in improving the Earth we all share,” said Dell chairman and chief executive Michael Dell.
“Our goal is simple and clear”, said Dell chairman and chief executive Michael Dell, “we’ll take the lead in setting an environmental standard for our industry that will reflect our partnership with, and direct feedback from our customers, suppliers and stakeholders, and we intend to maintain that leadership.”
Here at Donation4Charity we’re also pleased to support Dell and the environmental initiative; we’ve just bought a Dell notebook online and happily coughed-up our £3. Now where’s that tree gone…….?