Singer George Ezra has declared that he has made a donation to the National Trust to enable the planting of 17,000 trees within the UK.
Donation for climate change
The singer has teamed up with YouTube in giving £85,000 to the charity in an effort to do something about climate change and environmental issues.
Planting trees is a simple way to combat climate change. The trees will be planted across the UK creating new woodlands. These woods will help to lock in carbon, reduce flooding and create homes for wildlife.
Giving back
Ezra was conscious that being a touring musician had an impact on the environment. He was therefore pleased to be partnering with YouTube Music to be their sustainability partner for 2022.
YouTube generously contributed to support Ezra’s choice of charity. Ezra sung the praises of the National Trust citing their hard work trying to reverse the decline of nature and their action against climate change as the reasons for supporting them. He fully supported their action to plant trees and restore landscapes.
National Trust ambition
The National Trust has an ambition to plant 20 million trees across England, Wales and Northern Ireland before 2030. They are hoping that the public will get involved with the project.