Help Concern Worldwide Celebrate Human Rights Day

It’s Human Rights Day today and Concern Worldwide is joining in with the celebrations. December 10th marks he anniversary of the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights back in 1948. This gives us cause to celebrate but we should also remember that all people are entitled to basic human rights.

The poor don’t get to enjoy human rights

These rights include such things as having an adequate standard of living and access to education. Concern Worldwide works with some of the poorest people in the world, many of which don’t get to enjoy these rights. These people live in conditions of extreme poverty and often don’t have access to food that provides them with enough nutrition. In many cases children are forced to work in order to earn an income so that they can support their families which means they have to forgo going to school. If they do go to school more often than not, they have to go on an empty stomach which makes it difficult to learn.

Help a child eat lunch for six months

If you want to help celebrate Human Rights Day, you could give the wonderful gift of a school lunch for £30 which would help some of the most disadvantaged children access their right to an education. Purchasing a gift like this could enable a child like Tania (pictured) in Bangladesh to have a nutritious meal at lunch for six months, which would allow her to concentrate o n learning and achieving her dreams. Additionally if you purchase this gift before December 14th, the UK government will match the donation Pound for Pound as part of Concern’s Hunger Stops Here appeal.

You can browse the Concern Shop for more inspirational gift ideas that really will make a positive difference to the poorest communities.