Sponsor a Puppy Bobby
What you get
- Receive a fantastic welcome pack, comprising a sponsorship certificate you can hang proudly on your wall and regular updates and pics.
- Plus get a cute, cuddly toy dog.
Gift description
Bobby’s here to brighten your day! This fluffy pup loves learning about the world around him alongside his favourite humans. With his pink-spotted nose, he’s got a knack for sniffing out excitement wherever he goes. One day, he’ll bring so much joy to a deaf person’s life.
With Bobby by your side, delight is around every corner. He’s a floppy-eared friend whose tail is constantly wagging. And when it comes to a Cocker Spaniel’s classic confidence, Bobby certainly fits the bill. For this gorgeous, golden boy, the makings of a future hearing dog are already shining through.
Will Bobby’s tail calm down as he grows? Will he ever befriend the neighbourhood cat? And which deaf person will he grow up to support? Sponsor Bobby today to find out!
Buy Online: donate.hearingdogs.org.uk