Shipping Industry Could Profit from 20% Cut in Emissions Claim WWF

The WWF charity has stated that international shipping could reduce its emissions by at least 20% at a negative cost to the industry. Shipping is currently responsible for nearly 3% of all global emissions but has so far not agreed to any emissions reduction agreements.

There is still the distinct possibility that shipping emissions could almost triple by 2050 in the absence of policies as a result of the growth in shipping. The report also reveals potential for the  shipping industry to cut its emissions through new technologies and practices, which in turn would actually cut costs due to the the fuel savings incurred.

Head of Transport Policy at WWF-UK, Peter Lockley, said –

The shipping industry, currently responsible for more greenhouse emissions than the UK or Canada, now has no excuses for remaining outside international emissions reductions frameworks. Until now, the shipping industry has managed to avoid the high levels of public scrutiny that the aviation sector has faced. This report confirms that shipping is a substantial source of emissions, but also demonstrates that the industry has nothing to fear from joining the global climate regime, and could actually make financial gains if it gets serious about addressing its carbon emissions.

International shipping industry representatives will be discussing the many ways of cutting global shipping emissions with a the new climate deal due to be settled at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December.