Guide Dogs For The Blind loves the animals they train and want them to achieve the best for their owners. That being said it can be irresistible to walk up and pet a working guide dog or a puppy that is still in training whilst they are out and about. Everybody knows that puppies simply cannot resist a good cuddle, however it is important to know when and if it is okay to do so. Here are three rules to approaching a working or training guide dog.
Tip one
If you wish to approach and interact with a guide doge the number one rule is always ask the handler first whether it is OK. You should not just approach a dog and start petting it because this could distract them from the work they are doing and it might make it unsafe for the handler. Guide dogs need to stay focused whilst they are working and an owner might also prefer it if you said hello to them when you say hello to the dog.
Tip two
Distraction can be dangerous, so avoid doing it. If you have your own pet dog with you, it should kept away from a working guide dog and if you know the guide dog in question, you should not call their name if they are out and about to avoid distraction. If a guide dog gets distracted it may put itself and its owner in harm’s way. The other golden rule is you should never feed a guide dog because then get plenty of treats at home.
Tip three
Don’t forget this applies to puppies too!
All the same rules should be followed when it comes to puppies that are being trained because when they are out and about they are learning the skill that will be necessary to becoming a valuable guide dog. We all know how cute these critters are however it is critical that a puppy should not be distracted when it is in the process of learning. It is the same concept as when a child is at school, you wouldn’t want to distract them would you?
As we said earlier, perhaps the most important rule is to simply ask first. Many people believe that all guide dogs are perfect and are naturally able to ignore all distractions. What you should be aware of is they are still just dogs. Albeit very special dogs who play a hugely important role for people with impaired vision.