WWF UK Surprise at Gorilla Increase despite War

The WWF UK is pleased to see mountain gorilla numbers increase in Virunga National Park despite the war being waged in and around the area. Forces loyal to the ex-rebel leader Laurent Nkunda threw park rangers out of the Mikeno sector of the Park in September 2007, home to six groups of habituated mountain gorillas.

Virunga National Park director, Emmanuel de Merode successfully negotiated with the CNDP rebel group to allow park rangers access the Mikeno sector and resume monitoring, with the count showed that the number of gorillas has increased to 81, compared to a count of 72 in 2007. The patrols also removed more than 400 snares placed by poachers targeting small forest antelopes that can harm and maim gorillas.

Director of WWF International’s Species Programme, Dr. Susan Lieberman, said –

‘This astonishingly good news about the mountain gorillas is possible thanks to the courageous efforts of ICCN rangers who worked tirelessly to gain access to the gorillas despite on-going violence. The WWF will continue to provide the support it needs to keep a vigilant eye on mountain gorillas as conflict and poaching are still imminent threats.’

There is currently a cease fire between CNDP and the Congolese Army, who have joined up with Rwandan forces to fight FDLR rebels. However, the rangers still face violence, with a ranger killed and another kidnapped during an attack by militia against a patrol post