UNICEF UK’s Work in Gaza

UNICEF UK has responded quickly to needs of women and children in Gaza by sending £50,000 of relief funding from their Children’s Emergency Fund. They have now delivered 355 first aid and 20 resuscitation kits to the United Nations Relief and Work Agency warehouses, and have a permanent office in Gaza and three in the West Bank.

Due to shortages of electricity, fuel, water and sanitation, life for children in the Gaza Strip continues to deteriorate. The population of Gaza has now become totally dependent on humanitarian aid, with shortages of flour, rice, sugar and milk a daily dilemma. Local hospitals are now relying on back-up generators as the only electric power plant has shut down, and a breakdown of one of these generators would pose a serious risk to public health.

UNICEF UK is continuing to work to improve the quality of water, education and sanitation in the West Bank, and provide psychosocial assistance to children and young people. Other supplies like collapsible water tanks, three electricity generators and six mobile fuel tanks are also pre-positioned in Gaza awaiting distribution.

These supplies could only reach the war torn people of Gaza thanks to your donations